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           Winter Registration is NOW OPEN                   

                          For Recreational  Programs                        

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                                                                                                      Refund Policy & Payments


  • You must notify us in writing to PRIOR to the end of the 3rd class if you intend to withdraw your child. Registration WILL NOT be refunded after three scheduled gymnastics classes have taken place. No refunds will be given for classes attended.
  • If you cancel prior to the end of the 3rd class, a $10.00 administration fee will be charged as well as a charge for each class attended,
  • SV Cheetahs Gymnastics reserves the right to replace your child in their class if payments are 30 days overdue.
  • If a participant is injured and unable to participate in their registered class for six weeks or more, SV Cheetahs will place a CREDIT on their file for the time period as specified on a doctors note provided by the member. If the member is unable to return during the current session a CREDIT can be placed on file for the following session. NO REFUNDS will be applied.
  • SV Cheetahs Gymnastics reserves the right to cancel classes due to inclement weather and no refunds or make up class will be scheduled.
    * If school buses are not running, classes are cancelled* 
  • If your desired class is full, and you place your child's name on the wait list you will be contacted if a spot becomes available. Everyone on the wait list for that class will receive an email and the open spot is to be filled on a first come, first serve basis.

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